Track 1: Groovin' Track 2: A Turn of Events Track 3: Easy Street Track 4: Waiting Performed by GrooveMaker, your Mac, and QuickTime. Written by IK Multimedia and put together by your humble disc editor. Something a little different than our usual band and artist contributions. These tracks were all completely generated and mixed using IK Multimedia's GrooveMaker and Dancity CD. Both Groovin' and Easy Street were generated using loops from "Song 5" from the full-version Dancity CD. Waiting and A Turn of Events were generated from "Song 6". All four of these groove loops were put together and mixed in under five minutes (no kidding—try it yourself!). You'll find the GrooveMaker and Dancity demo in this month's Sponsors folder under "IK Multimedia". If you're itching to become the next "big thang" in the dance or techno music arena, try this program for some inspiration, or use it to quickly build up your library of grooves. We wont tell 'em that you cheated...